We have over the past year been improving our centre and our latest refurbishment is the new toilets in the main entrance with the final part of this refurbishment will be the completion of the paint work in the hallway which is due to be completed within the next few weeks. Our work is not finished.
Our next project is the refurbishment of the large hall toilet area which will be completed by the end of the year. We would like to thank our granters who have given grants towards the cost of this refurbishment.
To enable us to undertake the refurbishment of this 1906 building, and to give our young over 80’s resident a Christmas parcel we regularly hold coffee mornings on the 2nd and 4th Saturday in the month from 10.00am – 11.30am to raise much needed funds to allow us to continue with this work. Please do come along you will be most welcome and we have a book stall with many genres for you to browse through. We also have a craft stall with many small gifts.